Sunday, December 30, 2007

10 steps on "How to keep a Loving Relationship"

10 steps on "How to Keep a Loving Relationship"

If you really love and want to keep your marriage alive, you have to make sure that it will be a happy environment. Happily Married couples are difficult to find, remember you married each other expecting to live happily ever after. So why is it that divorce occurs 70% of the time? We truly lose sight of what matters, sharing a loving and caring relationship for ourselves and our partners. We tend to take things for granted so we have problems, the bitterness and unhappiness begins.

Who says that we have to be happy all the time, of course life can be difficult at times but we need to realize, we all need to be loved and no one is perfect all the time. We need to know that we have to give in order to receive, we have to expect that what we put out is what we will get in return . If you know deep down inside you want a change in your marriage then positive steps will result in positive outcomes... Life is too short, love one another and start living a more happy life within yourself. If there are too many negative aspects in your life , learn how to let go. Keep your thoughts positive, know exactly what the outcome is that you want.

10 steps on "How to keep a Loving Relationship"

1. Patience: Learn to relax and keep positive, letting go of the negative and thinking about the positive.

2. Communicate: Without fear and openness, let your partner know what you expect and how you would like to be treated.

3. Laughter: Make sure you have a smile on your face, let your partner know that they make you happy and you want to make them happy as well.

4. Learning to back off: Don't allow the negative habits to annoy you, think about the positive traits your partner has to offer and let the little annoying things go.

5. Romance: Think of love constantly, make every chance you get to make it a loving one. Reinforce the love you have and keep in mind that you both are special.

6. Sharing: Make time for love, respect, trust and appreciate one another. Quality time and time for lovemaking will deepen the intimate passion you have for one another.

7. Being confident: Know that you are special and are sharing it with someone just as unique, trust that you are creating a bond that noone can break and you are making it stronger.

8. Think before speaking: Don't allow hurtful words to be spoken, keep in mind that your goal is to create a loving and healthy environment. When hurtful words come out it might give you a sense of satisfaction to get back at your partner but, ultimately you will only find yourself filled with resentment.

9. Control anger: Learn not too intimidate your partner try not to manipulate them in any way. Anger builds up and creates a sense of inferiority, allowing anger to build will only build bigger walls.

10. Don't pass judgment: Never criticize or talk bad about your loved one. Bite your tongue. Never make them feel as though they are not worth being loved. Let them know that you are on their side no matter what.

Everyone needs love, if you are tired of negative behavior and negative effects, then it is time for you to try a different approach. Nothing changes unless you take action.

Best wishes,


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