Saturday, January 26, 2008

5 Secret Words That Will Unlock Your Creativity

When faced with a problem, how many times have you heard the following phrases coming out of someone's mouth (even your own)? "I can't do it", "It won't work", "It'll never happen", "Nobody can do that", "There's no way", "That's impossible", "There's no such thing".

What if you could eradicate, wipe out, eliminate these phrases from your vocabulary? How would your life be improved? Do you believe it's possible to make a paradigm shift in your thinking? Then here is a deceptively simple and imminently powerful phrase to open a world of possibilities to your brain.

These are five secret words that will allow your creative genius (and yes, we all have it) to start working its magic: "I don't yet see how. . ." That's it. Five words. Let me explain why this is so powerful, one word at a time.

"I" - this takes the statement down you, personally. It avoids globalizing (i.e. - that something is impossible) and it keeps the ownership of and responsibility for the solution in your power.

"Don't" - a statement of fact. Merely an observation that at this moment in time, you do not see. No judgment is implied about your ability to see, your likelihood of seeing, your desire to see. Simply that you don't right now.

"Yet" - probably the most powerful part of the statement. This word signals to your brain that the solution WILL become visible.

Have you ever noticed something in your environment and said to yourself, "Has that been there all along? How could I have missed that?" The word, 'yet' opens a space in your thinking that allows you to see the solution when it is available. This is another way to express the adage that "When the student is ready, the teacher appears".

"See" - this could be substituted by the word "understand". This indicates to your brain that the solution exists somewhere but you don't yet have access to it. You either don't see it or don't understand it, but it's there somewhere to be seen and/or understood.

"How" - again, a signal to your brain that there IS a way to accomplish whatever you currently see as an obstacle.

Try this magical phrase on for size the next time you run into a roadblock. And as you knock down obstacle after obstacle, help people you love to see *their* possibilities and solutions.

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